Strictly Spin: Politicians obsessed with a false reality

Posted: Friday, 14 August 2009 | Posted by Harry Harris | Labels: , , , , , , ,

Yesterday it was announced that Labour was hiring a certain reality T.V judge as a 'dance champion' of the nation. Sounds like a show doesn't it, well it might as well as be.

Andy Burnham will be presenting; he's the new Vernon Kaye, but with Swine Flu.

Feeling a bit sick? Join the club.

Anything to do with that dancing show on the BBC generally incorporates Strictly into the title but it's hard to stray away from the word on this current subject of blatant PR by Labour.

Could they think of anything less original than hiring age-row judge Arlene Philips as a leader of all things twinkle-toed, they may as well as have promoted Harry Hill as a champion of bald men. No, that's too obvious.

Labour's Health Secretary Andy-haphazard-swine flue-Burnham needs all the help he can get to improve his image after the muddled information he helped provide, or not, on that global flu which is going around.

And at a time when the public is calling the sacking of the 66 year-old judge from Strictly Come Dancing in favour of a 30-year old singer an ageist outrage, Labour has swooped in again on a popular reality T.V star.
If they're not careful the party will turn into it's own Big Brother; they've already been rowing about who claims for what, but, we should remember, they have got Alan Sugar to tell them who's boss. Why hasn't he fired a few of them yet? Oh, they've already left.

The whole Strictly stunt is sharp, you may think, but it's definitely too cosy.
They should of got Harriet Harman striking the champion pose with Arlene; bursting through a placard of the BBC outside number ten.

Anyway, as Arlene gets her grip on Burnham, perhaps we should expect to see him on the next series of the dancing show alongside Ballroom-lover Vince Cable, and maybe even Alan Duncan. Oh but he probably won't have the energy. Or Cameron's already given him the notorious: "You're fired!"


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