Blue Wednesday

Posted: Thursday, 21 January 2010 | Posted by Harry Harris | Labels: , , , , ,

So it was student-saving time on 'cheap Wednesdays' at the cinema yesterday, and there's that dramatic looking post-apocalyptic film out, The Road, which seems to be marketed as action-orientated, as well as slightly heart warming.

I'm no Bruce-Willis-styley obsessive but the trailer really is barking up a rather exotic tree.

The speedy montages and drastic boom-boom-boom sound effects in the clip below suggest the film is a high octane thriller, when in-fact it's very downbeat, apart from the odd occasion when the father and son are being chased by man-eating gangs - a full blown cannibalistic element which sees missing legs and scarily hungry humans; completely stepped over in the fast-paced 'Day After Tommorrow' themed promo.

The editor of this trailer deserves an Oscar for The Most Revved Up Trailer In Comparison To The Real Film. Catchy eh. Have a watch:

In the actual film version I, and my housemates watched, there is also no explanation as to why the world is in such a diabolical state, but the trailer will have you believing there is 'one event'. An event which clearly got lost on the films passage to British shores - the first few climate change style scenes are not in the film.

If you want a slightly more accurate depiction of the film's dark themes check out this rather disturbing clip.
One other point, and this is my final criticism, is the severe amount of product placement in The Road, well noted here.

The film is, however, far from rubbish, it's actually quite depressingly moving, but it's just not what you might expect by a long way. And you might want to grab a beer after, or whatever cheers you up - I'm not an alcoholic.


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